The Board of the Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology elects Fellows from members who have made a particularly outstanding and meritorious contribution to the grape and wine industry. The criteria for this award include making a major contribution in an industry, scientific, educational or Society role and having been a Member of the Society for at least ten years.

 2024Liz Riley
 2024David Wollan
 2023Dr Paul Petrie
 2023Stephen Guy
 2022Prue Henschke
 2022Russell Johnstone
 2021Peter Clingeleffer
 2021Sue Hodder
 2020Nick Bulleid MW
 2020Dr Wendy Cameron MW
 2019  Gary Baldwin AM
 2019  Dr Richard Hamilton
 2019  Dr Tony Jordan OAM
 2018  Dr Robert (Bob) Dambergs
 2018  Dr Richard Smart
 2017  Louisa Rose
 2016  Brian Croser AO
 2016  Di Davidson AM
 2015  Peter Hayes AM
 2014  Dr Paul Henschke
 2013  Dr  Malcolm Allen
 2012  Dr Peter Dry AM
 *2007 Dr Bryan Coombe AM
 *2007 Dr Peter May AM
 *2007 Richard Haselgrove AM
 *2007 Dr Patrick Iland OAM
 *2007 Dr Terry Lee OAM
 *2007 Dr Pat Williams AM

*2007 saw the introduction of a new category of ASVO membership when the previous status of Life Member was replaced with that of Fellow.The previous Constitution required conferral of the status of Honorary Life Member to require: retirement of the person from active professional life, and unanimous support of the Committee in judging that the person either:

  1. has been a Professional Member for at least ten years and to have either published two professional papers in the Journal of the Society or to have served as an officer of the Society, or
  2. has been a member of the Society or the Australian wine industry or in science applied to viticulture or oenology for 25 years, and to have rendered outstanding and meritorious services to the Society and to the fields of viticulture and oenology.

The new Constitution that was adopted in November 2006 replaced the category of Life Member with that of Fellow. A key difference is that a Fellow need not be retired from active professional life; furthermore, the position is only available by invitation by the Society. To be invited to become a fellow the person must have been a Professional Member for at least ten years, and it also requires an outstanding and meritorious contribution through either an industry, scientific, educational or Society role.

We did have two Life Members; Bryan Coombe became the Society’s first life member, and the late Peter May soon joined him. We had great pleasure in inviting Bryan to become our inaugural Fellow of the ASVO in 2007.