ASVO Resources


 Frost response: community forum
Sept 2024


 Post frost pruning case studies
Dr Sam Scarratt
2024 ASVO Seminar

AWRI Resources


AWRI eBulletin | 18 September 2024 Managing frost-affected vines 

This eBulletin outlines key factors to consider when deciding what action to take after a frost, and points to some useful resources to learn more about frosts and how to mitigate against them.Frost damage can often lead to the start of a biennial bearing problem.

Frost management in vineyards (AWRI fact sheet)
Protecting your vineyard from frost - (AWRI video 29 September 2020)
Managing frost - (AWRI webinar 29 September 2020)
Managing frosted grapevines - (AWRI webinar recording 13 November 2017)
Vineyard frost management strategies - (AWRI webinar 17 September 2015)

Additional information

Further assistance

For assistance with frost or any other technical viticulture or winemaking topic, contact the AWRI helpdesk on (08) 8313 6600 or

AJGWR Resources

 Post-Spring Frost Canopy Recovery, Vine Balance, and Fruit Composition in cv. Barbera Grapevines
Filippo Del Zozzo, Ginevra Canavera, Silvia Pagani, Matteo Gatti, Stefano Poni, Tommaso Frioni
30 November 2022 

Impact of frost injury incidence at nodes of Pinot Noir on fruitfulness and growth‐stage lag
K.J. Evans, P.K. Bricher, S.D. Foster
First published: 21 January 2019 

 Late frost damage risk for viticulture under future climate conditions: a case study for the Luxembourgish winegrowing region 
D. Molitor, A. Caffarra, P. Sinigoj, I. Pertot, L. Hoffmann, J. Junk
26 December 2013 

Electrically heated cables protect vines from frost damage at early flowering
D.W. LAMB 21 January 2009 

 Search online library 

International Resources


Understanding and Preventing Spring Frost and Freeze Damage to Grapes
Michela Centinari, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Viticulture
 A review some basic concepts related to post-budbreak freeze injury and frost protection options available for grape growers.