2024 Selection Committee

Andy Clarke
Chair, ASVO President

Fellow of the Society (2022)

Fellow of the Society (2023)
Peter Clingeleffer
Fellow of the Society (2021)

Sue Hodder
Fellow of the Society (2021)


2023 Selection Committee

Andy Clarke
Chair, ASVO President
Gary Baldwin
Fellow of the Society (2019)
Dr Wendy Cameron MW
Fellow of the Society (2020)
Peter Clingeleffer
Fellow of the Society (2021)

Sue Hodder
Fellow of the Society (2021)

2022 Selection Committee

Brooke Howell,
Chair, ASVO President
Gary Baldwin
Fellow of the Society (2019)
Nick Bulleid MW
Fellow of the Society (2020)
Dr Wendy Cameron MW
Fellow of the Society (2020)

Sue Hodder
Fellow of the Society (2021)

2021 Selection Committee

Brooke Howell,
Chair, ASVO President
Gary Baldwin
Fellow of the Society (2019)
Nick Bulleid MW
Fellow of the Society (2020)
Dr Wendy Cameron MW
Fellow of the Society (2020)

Di Davidson
Fellow of the Society (2016)


2020 Selection Committee

Brooke Howell, Chair, Society PresidentDr Richard Hamilton, Fellow of the Society (2019)Dr Bob Dambergs Fellow of the Society (2018)Louisa Rose Fellow of the Society (2017)

2019 Selection Committee

Dr Anthony Robinson Chair, Society President  Dr Bob Dambergs Fellow of the Society (2018)Peter Hayes AM Fellow of the Society (2015)Louisa Rose Fellow of the Society (2017)

2018 Selection Committee

Dr Anthony Robinson Chair, Society PresidentDr Di Davidson AM Fellow of the Society (2016) Dr Peter Dry Fellow of the Society (2012) Louisa Rose Fellow of the Society (2017)

2017 Selection Committee

Kristy Bartrop Chair, Society TreasurerDr Di Davidson AM Fellow of the Society (2016) Brian Croser AO Fellow of the Society (2016) Dr Paul Henschke Fellow of the Society (2014)

  2016 Selection Committee

Dr Mardi Longbottom Chair, Society PresidentPatrick Iland OAM Fellow of the Society (2007)Peter Hayes AM Fellow of the Society (2015)Dr Paul Henschke Fellow of the Society (2014)