Why should we care?

Professor Richard Eckard, University of Melbourne

The benefits and drivers for emissions reduction

Rachel Triggs, Wine Australia

Introducing the Emissions Reduction Roadmap

Julian Marchant

The business case for emissions reduction

Lee McLean, Australian Grape & Wine

Unpacking scope 1&2

Julian Marchant

Low CO2 emission tractors & robots

Simon Nordestgaard

Case study - Alternative fuels

Steve Hobbs

Energy use and efficiency in wineries

Nick Palousis

Case study - Henschke cellars energy journey

Rachel Brdanovic

Case study - Winery refrigeration pulse cooling

Dr Lin Lin Low

Demystifying certification

Jane Siebum

Demonstrating your credentials

Kyra Reznikov

Taking Climate Action - A Net-Zero Case Study

Hayley Purbrick

Understanding Organisation & Product Certification

David Klaassen

What is your packaging really costing your business and the planet? 

Tim Hackett

Misconceptions around packaging 

Sarah McElholum

Decarbonising transport and freight 

Johann Franzsen

Packaging trends and innovations

Shae Courtney

Better bottles, not alternative packaging

Santiago Navarro

Calculating scope 1 and 2 emissions from vineyards and wineries.

Mardi Longbottom

Carbon capture and sequestration opportunities 

Professor Tim Cavagnaro

Case study - Measuring Soil Carbon in Vineyards

Oli Madgett

International case study – Torres & Earth

Josep Ribas

Vision of the future. Thoughts and views of next generation 

•    Chair, Maggie Jarrett, NSW Department of Primary Industries
•    Lachie Thomas, Tahbilk
•    Hamish Ramsay, ReThink Sustainability 
•    Ella Shaw, Shaw & Smith