Louisa Rose appointed Chair of the ASVO Wine Show Technical Advisory Committee

The ASVO has appointed Louisa Rose as Chair of a the ASVO Technical Advisory Committee to review, update and expand the wine show best practice recommendations originally developed by the ASVO Wine Show Committee in 2004 chaired by Nick Bullied MW and reviewed and updated in 2015 by the Wine Show Technical Advisory Committee chaired by Dr Tony Jordan OAM.

“The adoption of many of the best practice recommendations of the 2015 ASVO Wine Show Best Practice Recommendations produced more robust and uniform show judging standards in Australia’s capital city and regional shows. Five years on, it is time to review those recommendations and to address new issues that have arisen with the aim of further strengthening the show system to the benefit of both producers and local and international consumers”, said Chair of the ASVO Wine Show Technical Advisory Group Louisa Rose