ASVO Members seminar registration

12:00pm Monday, 29 June 2020
5:00pm Wednesday, 1 July 2020
Adelaide, South Australia 5000

Special member pricing for ASVO members

Event: Australian Wine - Winning the Long Game Seminar

When: 29 June - 1 July  3 Sessions per day
12:00 - 1:30 CST
2:00 - 3:30 CST
4:00 -5:300 CST
Note: This event will be streamed to your device.

$100.00 *
$100.00 *
* Price includes GST where applicable
Ticket Holders
Hill-Smith Family Estates
Mr Jason Amos
Mr Hugh Armstrong
Prof Snow Barlow
Prof Snow Barlow
Dr Eveline Bartowsky
Mrs Kristy Bartrop
Mr Tony Battaglene
Mr Colin Bell
Dr Marcos Bonada
Dr Paul Boss
Ms Tilly Bowden
Mr Chad Bowman
Dr Rob Bramley
Mrs Belinda Bramley
Mr Chris Brodie
Mr Dan Buckle g
Mrs Wendy Cameron
Miss Janel Carruthers
Mr Andreas Clark
Mr Andy Clarke
Mr Vaughan Cooke
Mr Hamish Crappsley
Mr Jonathan Creek
Mr Jonathan Creek