Maintaining Established vineyards

1:00pm Friday, 21 July 2023
4:00pm Friday, 21 July 2023

With the average age of Australian vineyards sitting at around 40 years, many growers are faced with decisions about what to do with vineyards that are showing declining yields and quality and ageing infrastructure. This year’s ASVO seminar will provide much needed information on both maintaining established vineyards and setting up for success if the decision is to rework or replant.

July 21

Day 1 Maintaining Established vineyards
Maintaining the long-term vine health, productivity and economic viability of vineyards.
Comparing vine age performance, vine age & economic viability, old irrigation infrastructure and replacements.

 Start   1:00 PM ACST | 1:30 PM AEST | 11:30 AM AWST
Finish  4:00 PM ACST | 4:30 PM AEST | 2:30 PM AWST

* This registration is only for the first seminar. Why not register for both seminars

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Sold Out
Ticket Holders
Mr Tom Bartholomaeus
Mr Jason Borgomastro
Mrs Melissa Brown
Mrs Melissa Brown
Mr Riley Brown
Mrs Alexandra Burt
Mr Will Capper
Mr Will Capper
MS Casella Family Brands Casella
Mr Brian Dwyer
Mrs Louise Eather
Mrs Louise Eather
Mr Richard Fennessy
Mr James Hopper 2581
Mr David Hoskins
Dr Victoria Hughes
Dr Lian Jaensch
Mr Brendon Lawlor
Mr John Lazarou
Mr Tim McMullen
Mr Tim McMullen
Mr Rick Milland
Mr Allan Pankhurst
Mr. Jae Hyun Park
Mr. Samuel Parker