As an ASVO member, you have access to a wide range of member benefits and resources to support your career progression and help you stay up-to-date with the latest developments.



Reduced registration fees


Library of video presentations


Online library of proceedings

Members get registration discounts to conferences, workshops, and award events every year.


Membership includes access to our library of video presentations. Over 200 videos are available on a huge range of topics.


Members have full access to our online library of proceedings and articles

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Our partner benefits




Winetitles publications


Wine Industry Directory 


Wine & Viticulture Journal subscriptions 

Save 10% on All books are published by Winetitles Media, Australia’s leading wine industry publisher.


Save 25% on the Wine Industry Directory. Each edition lists comprehensive data about wine producers in Australia and New Zealand.


Save 20% discount on Wine & Viticulture Journal subscriptions

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Student benefits



Student bursuries




Patrick Iland’s Technical books 

We set aside free registrations for students who express an interest in attending ASVO seminars and webinars.


We invest in potential, reward talent, and help those in need. Every year, we provide scholarships, awards and prizes to members of all backgrounds, experience and levels.


Save 10% discount on Patrick Iland’s Technical books

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Research /Author benefits



Reduced registration fees


Professional resources



Members get registration discounts to conferences, workshops, and award events every year.



Members have full access to our online library of proceedings and articles



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